JSON Serialization of a list of objects in python

  1. Hi . I was trying to save a python object to mongo db . The problem was the object had a list of some other objects in it. Eg:- Object(name,roll_no,list of subjects). Now python was having problem to serialize this subject object.

	class Subject:
	    def __init__(self,name,grade):
	        self.name = name
	        self.grade = grade
	class Student:
	    def __init__(self,name,subjects):
	        self.name = name
	        self.subjects = subjects

Now if you try to dump Student object as :-

	for x in range(0,3):
		subject = Subject("Wow","A")

	student = Student("Linus Torvalds",subjects)

it fails with subject object not serializeable . Now after some futile search into pickle,jsonpickle and many other thingies , what worked was


Thanks for reading!