Elements of a Network
Stuff regarding Beehive Network.
Individual a) Student –> Participates in discussions , joins various groups such as clubs , academic stuff. b) Moderator –> Manages a particular group(s). Add / remove other members , add other sub-moderators. Eg:- Club Heads , Teacher. Functionality to be provided in the app: i) Interact with other students. ii) Track his performance iii) Showcase his achievements and stuff. iv) Request for Collaboration v) Ranking System
Channels / Clubs / Groups / Forums / Academic Groups. a) Club –> It is a group of individuals who are interested / passionate about a certain activity / field . There are club heads who manages day-to-day activities of a club. There are sub-heads who are allotted some responsibilities. There are members in a club who participates in the events organized by a club. A Club Organizes various events over a time period. A Club also participates in other events organized by other colleges. There are discussions around an event , a meeting. Functionality to be provided in the app: i) Enrolling in a club. ii) Managing the schedule. iii) Discussions / Uploading Stuff. iv) Event Publicity (Currently limited to the college only) v) Ability to Sync User’s performance to his timeline.
b) Academic Groups –> It is a group of people enrolled in a particular class. A class has various tests / assignments to quantify a student’s performance . A class has a teacher as a moderator who manages the events in this group on a daily basis. There are discussions around a test / a particular session / an assignment / or just regular stuff. Functionality to be provided in the app: i) Time Table of the class and any updates to be shared. ii) Upload Assignments and Solutions. iii) Discussions / Uploading Stuff. iv) Ability to Sync User’s performance to his timeline.
c) College Channel